
Debate on Legal Drinking Age

13 January 2024 - 13:06 WIB

Patrick Mahomes and Shaquille O’Neal sit down to discuss the legal drinking age and its implications.

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Patrick: Shaq, have you ever thought about the legal drinking age and whether it should be 18 or not?

Shaq: Absolutely, it’s a complex issue with valid arguments on both sides. Some people believe that the legal drinking age should be 18 because at that age, individuals are considered adults in other aspects of their lives like voting and military service.

Patrick: I agree, but there are also concerns about the impact of alcohol on the developing brain of teenagers and young adults.

Shaq: That’s true. It’s important to consider all the factors involved, including legal implications and public safety.

Patrick: Absolutely, Shaq. There are many legal issues that need to be considered, such as broker agency agreements and subcontractor vs. employee classifications.

Shaq: It’s a multifaceted topic, and it’s important to have a well-rounded understanding of the legal and moral implications.